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English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs On ‘Antonyms’

English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs on ‘Antonyms’

English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs on ‘Antonyms’

DIRECTIONS:  In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

  1. Misanthropist

(a) Zealot

(b) Pedant

(c) Pragmatist

(d) Philanthropist

Correct Answer
Option (d) Philanthropist. 

  1. Formal

(a) Heedful

(b) Plain

(c) Pitiable

(d) Informal

Correct Answer
Option (d) Informal.

  1. Nasty

(a) Unpleasant

(b) Beautiful

(c) Ugly

(d) Pleasant

Correct Answer
Option (d) Pleasant.

  1. Abrupt

(a) Spongy

(b) Smooth

(c) Sudden

(d) Crisp

Correct Answer
Option (b) Smooth.

  1. Hasty

(a) Harsh

(b) Unhurried

(c) Rapid

(d) Cautious

Correct Answer
Option (d) Cautious. 

  1. Uniform

(a) Variable

(b) Common

(c) Unfamiliar

(d) A measure

Correct Answer
Option (a) Variable.


  • Uniform means: Not varying; the same in all cases or at all times
  • Variable (adjective) means: Likely to change, or showing change or difference as a characteristic.

Here, Variable is the antonyms of Uniform.

English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs on ‘Antonyms’

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