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English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs On ‘Antonyms’

English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs on ‘Antonyms’

English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs on ‘Antonyms’

DIRECTIONS:  In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

  1. Disconsolate

(a) Joyous

(b) Thankful

(c) Unprejudiced

(d) Prominent

Correct Answer
Option (a) Joyous


Disconsolate means: sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; hence, Joyous is the opposite.

  1. Placid

(a) Dull

(b) Stormy

(c) Urgent

(d) Moving

Correct Answer
Option (b) Stormy.


Placid means: Calm and peaceful, with little movement or activity while stormy means characterized by violent emotions or behaviour.

  1. Unscrupulous

(a) Single – minded

(b) Superfluous

(c) Dedicated

(d) Conscientious

Correct Answer
Option (d) Conscientious


  • Unscrupulous means: Having or showing no moral principles.
  • Conscientious means: Wishing to do one’s work or duty well.

Therefore, Unscrupulous is the antonym of Conscientious.

  1. Enlarge

(a) Amplify

(b) Glorify

(c) Condense

(d) Augment

Correct Answer
Option (c) Condense.


  • Enlarge means: To make something larger or more extensive.
  • Condense means: To make something more dense or compact.

Therefore, Enlarge is the antonym of Condense.

  1. Vacillate

(a) Injure

(b) Relieve

(c) Decide

(d) Repel

Correct Answer
Option (c) Decide.


  • Vacillate means: To be indecisive.
  • Decide means: Come or bring to a resolution.

Therefore, Vacillate is the antonym of decide.

  1. Guilty

(a) Honest

(b) Innocent

(c) Sorry

(d) Dubious

Correct Answer
Option (b) Innocent.


  • Guilty means: Responsible for a specified wrong doing.
  • Innocent means: Not guilty of a crime or offence.

Therefore, ‘Innocent’ is the antonym of ‘Guilty’.

  1. Appoint

(a) Reward

(b) Yield

(c) Disunite

(d) Dismiss

Correct Answer
Option (d) Dismiss


  • Appoint means: To assign a job or role to some one.
  • Dismiss means: To end the employment or service of someone or something.

Therefore, ‘Dismiss’ is the antonym of ‘Appoint’.

  1. Demand

(a) Supply

(b) Claim

(c) Request

(d) Petition

Correct Answer
Option (a) Supply.


‘Demand’ means: A strong need for something.

Supply means: To make something needed available to someone.

Therefore ‘Supply’ is the correct antonym of ‘Demand’.

  1. Notorious

(a) Prominent

(b) Infamous

(c) Honourable

(d) Reputed

Correct Answer
Option (c) Honourable.


  • ‘Notorious’ means: Someone known for some bad quality.
  • Honourable’ means: Someone honest and fair, or deserving praise and respect.

Therefore, ‘Honourable’ is the antonym of ‘notorious’.

  1. Contemplative

(a) Wistful

(b) Unreflective

(c) Numbed

(d) Aroused

Correct Answer
Option (b) Unreflective.


Unreflective means: Not thinking carefully about something, or not showing careful thought.

  1. Ostracize

(a) Patronize

(b) Shun

(c) Crucify

(d) Discard

Correct Answer
Option (a) Patronize. 

  1. Abstain

(a) Repel

(b) Disgrace

(c) Indulge

(d) Dismiss

Correct Answer
Option (c) Indulge. 

  1. Fortify

(a) Support

(b) Intensify

(c) Undermine

(d) Strengthen

Correct Answer
Option (d) Strengthen.

  1. Thorough

(a) Intensive

(b) Utter

(c) Cursory

(d) Detailed

Correct Answer
Option (c) Cursory. 

  1. Exaggerate

(a) Abundance

(b) Excerpt

(c) Extravagant

(d) Understate

Correct Answer
Option (d) Understate.

English Grammar Objective Questions: MCQs on ‘Antonyms’

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