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Vocabulary – Words Starts from “G”

Vocabulary – Words Starts from “G”

Gag – मुहं में कुछ ठूंस देना –To put cloth etc in the mouth.

Gallantry – वीरता – Bravery.

Gallop – घोड़े की सरपट चाल – Fastest speed of a horse.

Gamophobia – शादी से डर – Fear of marriage.

Garish – बहुत ज्यादा रंगीन और चमकीला – Over-bright in colour/gaudy.

Garner – संग्रह करना – Store up, gather.

Garrison – किले की रखवाली करनेवाली सेना – Military force stationed in a fortress

Garrulous – बातूनी – A person who is talkative.

Gawk – बेवकूफ की तरह देखना – Stare foolishly.

Genealogy – वंशावली – A record or table showing the descent of a person or a family

Genesis – शुरुआत, उदगम – The origin of something.

Germicide – किट-नाशक दवा – A medicine that kills germs.

Gigantic – बहुत बड़ा – Extremely large.

Glare – घूरकर देखना – A long angry look.

Glee – खुशी – Great delight.

Glimmer – उमीद की किरण, हलकी रौशनी – A faint light/a slight sign of something good.

Glum – दुखी, निराश और चुप – Disappointed or unhappy and quiet.

Glut – भरमार – A larger supply than necessary.

Glutton – पेटू, बहुत अधिक खाने वाला – One who eats too much.

Gourmet – पाक कला में पारखी – A person who knows a lot about food and cooking.

Graffiti – भित्ति लेखन – Rough drawing or writing on public walls.

Graminivorous – घास खानेवाला – An animal that eats grain.

Grandeur – शानदार – The quality of being very beautiful and attractive.

Grapple – संघर्ष करना – Wrestle.

Gratis – मुफ़्त –  Without payment, free of cost.

Grievous – गंभीर और कष्टकारी – Having very serious effect or causing pain.

Grotesque – भद्दा और विकृत – Unpleasant /distorted.

Grumble – बडबडाना (गुस्से में) –To complain about something in an annoyed way.

Guffaw – ठहाका मार के हसना – Noisy laughter.

Gullible – भोला – Simple and easily deceived.

Gust – झोंका – A sudden rush of wind.

NEXT- Vocabulary – Words Starts from “H”

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