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Vocabulary – Words Start with “H”

Vocabulary – Words Starts from “H”

Habitant – बाशिंदा – The normal abode of any animal or plant

Hackneyed – मामूली – Languages that has been very much used.

Hagiology – संतसाहित्य, सन्याशियो  के जीवन का अध्ययन – Study of literature dealing with lives of saints

Haggard थका मांदा और बीमार सा – Looking ill or tired.

Hailstorm – ओलावृष्टि और तूफान – A sudden heavy fall of hail.

Hallucination भ्रम – To see or feel something or someone that does not exist.

Hapless – बेचारा और बदकिस्मत – Unlucky/ helpless.

Harangue – भाषण – Loud talk or speech.

Harlot – वेश्या – A women of lax moral.

Harrowing – परेशान करने वाला – Extremely upsetting.

Harry – परेशान करना – To annoy.

Hasten – जल्दबाजी करना – Hurry and do things quickly.

Hatch – बनाना (योजना), षड्यंत्र करना – To make (a secret plan).

Haughty – घमंडी – Arrogant.

Havoc – उपद्रव  – Wide spread violence

Hawker – फेरीवाला – One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles

Hazardous – हानिकारक और खतरनाक – Dangerous.

Head Strong – जिद्दी – Stubborn.

Heckle – सवाल पूछ पूछ के परेशान करना – To interrupt with loud unfriendly questions or statements.

Hedonist – सुखवादी – One who believes that pleasure is the highest tool.

Heinous – जघन्य अपराध – Atrocious.

Heir उतराधिकारी – One who legally receives money or title.

Herbarium – स्थान (सूखी वनस्पतियों के संग्रह हेतु) – A place for the collection of dried plants

Herbivore/Herbivorous – शाकाहारी – That which eats grass.

Heretic विधर्मी – One who is against the religion

Hermetic – वायुरुध – Air-tight.

Hermitage – मठ – Home of a hermit.

Hideous – बहुत बुरा – Extremely ugly/bad.

Highbrow – घमंडी – A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others

Hobble लंगड़ा कर चलना – To walk in a way as if the leg is injured.

Homage श्रधांजलि – Deep respect shown.

Honorary अवैतनिक कार्य – To work without salary.

Honorable  आदरणीय – Respectable.

Horde समूह – A large group of people.

Horology समय-मापन कला – Science of time

Horrendous – डरावना – Horrifying.

Hulk बहुत बड़ा और बेडौल – Large and heavy.

Holster पिस्तौलदान – A leather holder for a pistol.

Hurdle रूकावट – Obstacle.

Hush up रफा दफा करना – Trying to prevent the discovery of particular facts.

Hymn भजन – A religious song

Hypochondriac – रोगभ्रमी – Excessively critical/one who has exaggerated anxiety about his health.

Hypocrite पाखंडी – One who pretends to be what he is not

Hypothesis – परिकल्पना – Supposition made as basis for reasoning.

PREVIOUS- Vocabulary – Words Starts from “G”

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