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Vocabulary – Words Start with “F”

Vocabulary – Words Start with “F”

Fable – शिक्षाप्रद काल्पनिक कहानी – An animal story with moral

Factitious – नक़ली – Something artificial having the appearance of something got up

Fad – प्रचलन में – A craze.

Falter – हिचकचना – Hesitate.

Fanatic – कट्टर – Extremely enthusiastic of one’s religion, belief etc.

Fancier – जानवरों का प्रजनन कराने वाला – Breeder or dealer of animals.

Farce – तमाशाई घटना – An absurd event.

Fastidious – जिसे खुश करना मुश्किल हो, नखरेबाज – A person who is very selective and is hard to please

Fatal घातक – Having serious and deadly effect.

Fate – भाग्य – Destiny.

Fateful – महत्वपूर्ण और दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण – Having important but negative effect.

Fatuous – मूर्खतापूर्ण – Foolish.

Fauna – किसी निश्चित जगह के प्राणी – Animals of a particular area.

Faux pas – सामाजिक गलती – Word/behavior that is social mistake.

Feasible – व्यवहारिक – Practical.

Feeble – कमजोर और दब्बू प्रवृति का – Weak and without energy.

Feign – दिखावा करना – To pretend.

Felicity – खुशी – Happiness/ bliss.

Feline – बिल्ली के समान – That is cat like

Felony – जघन्य अपराध – A major criminal act.

Feral – जंगली और असभ्य – Wild.

Ferry – नदी पार करने के लिए नाव – To transport people or goods/a boat for transportation.

Fetter – सीमा में बांधना – To keep someone within limits.

Fiancee – मंगेतर – One engaged to be married

Fiends – पिशाच और दुष्ट प्रवृति का – An evil person.

Finesse – कुशलता – Great skill or style.

Flabbergast – हैरान करने वाला – Dumbfound/astonished.

Flare – भड़कना – To start suddenly such as violence, pain or anger.

Flaunt दिखावा करना – Display ostentatiously.

Flex – मॉस कठोर करके (बॉडी बिल्डिंग) दिखाना – Tighten a muscle.

Flog – चाबुक या डंडे से मारना – To beat with a whip or stick.

Flout – उल्लंघन करना – To disobey rule/law.

Folly – गलती या बेवकूफी करना – Foolishness.

Foresee – पहले से जान जाना – Predicting something.

Fragile – भंगुर (आसानी से टूट जाने वाला) – Which can be easily broken.

Fraught – अप्रिय वस्तुओं से भरा – Full of unpleasant things.

Frown गुस्से में भोहे चढ़ाना – Facial expression showing anger/ annoyance.

Frugal – किफ़ायती – A person who is very careful in the use of money, Parsimonious.

Fuddy-Duddy – पुराने ढंग का – An elderly person who does not understand or approve of modern ideas.

Fugitive – भगोड़ा – One who runs away from justice or the law

Fumigate – धूप और धुआ से बीमारी आदि ठीक करना – To clear of disease, bacteria etc., By means of chemical smoke.

Furore भीड़ का गुस्सा – An outbreak of public anger.

Furrow – हल से खेत जोतना – The line which a plough cuts in the ground

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