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Vocabulary – Words Start with “E”

Vocabulary – Words Start with “E”

Ebb – कम होना / पीछे हटना – Recede.

Ebullient – उत्साहित होना – Very energetic and positive.

Eccentric – सनकी – Of strange behaviour.

Eclectic – विभिन्न स्त्रोतों से चुना हुआ – Selected from various sources.

Ecstasy – बहुत ज्यादा खुशी – A state of extreme happiness.

Edible – खाद्य – Fit for food

Edict – राज्य घोषणा – Official command, order.

Edify – ज्ञान देना (नैतिक और आध्यात्मिक) – To educate morally or spiritually.

Eerie – डरावना – Weird/strange in a frightening way.

Efface – मिटा देना – Wipe out.

Effect – परिणाम – Result.

Effeminate – औरताना गुण – Having womanly traits.

Effete – कमजोर – Weak and without power.

Effigy – पुतला – A model representing someone, Dummy.

Effluvium – बुदबु – Noxious smell.

Effrontery – बहुत बेरुखी, अपमान – Extreme rudeness.

Egalitarian – समतावादी – Believing all people are equal.

Egregious – बदनाम, बहुत बूरा – Notorious/extremely bad.

Egress – निकासी – Exit.

Elated – खुशी और उत्साह – Overjoyed.

Elicit – स्पष्टीकरण देना – Draw out by discussion.

Elite – कुलीन – A superior group.

Elope – घर से भाग जाना (शादी के लिए) – To leave home secretly to get Married.

Eloquence – वाग्मिता – Persuasive and fluent speech

Elucidate – स्पष्ट करना – To make clear and easy to understand.

Elusive – पकड़ में न आने वाला/ अवर्णनीय – Difficult to find/ Difficult to describe.

Emaciated – कमजोर – Thin and weak.

Emanate – बाहर निकालना – Emitting/ejecting.

Emancipate – मुक्त करना – Set free.

Embark – शुरू करना – To begin.

Embarrass – शर्मिंदा करना – To cause someone feel uncomfortable.

Embellish – सजाना – To ornate or decorate.

Embolden – साहसी बनाना – To make someone brave.

Eminent – प्रतिष्ठित – Known and respected.

Emulate – बराबरी करना – Try to be equal.

Endangered – मुश्किल में डालना –To put at risk.

Endear – प्रिय बनाना – To cause someone to be liked.

Enmity – दुश्मनी – Animosity, a feeling of hatred.

Ennui – विरक्ति – Boredom and frustration in life

Enormity – विशालता – Of very great size or importance.

Enthrall – मोहित करना – Attract.

Enthusiastic – उत्साहित करना – Causing excitement.

Envisage – अवसर के रूप में लेना – To expect as a possibility.

Eradicate – ख़त्म करना – Remove/destroy completely.

Errand – समान लाने – ले जाने वाला काम – A short journey to deliver/collect something.

Errant – गुमराह – One who does something wrong.

Escalate – बढ़ाना – To increase/to expand step by step.

Espouse – समर्थन करना – Support/adopt a cause or way of life.

Estrange – त्याग देना, दोस्ती समाप्त करना – No longer friendly.

Etch – स्पष्ट करना – Make clearly defined.

Ethical – नैतिक – Beliefs which control behaviour.

Ethos – प्रकृति/व्यवहार – Habitual character and deposition.

Eunuch – हिजड़ा – A person who is neither a man nor a woman.

Euthanasia – सुखमृत्यु – Thing that bring gentle and painless death from incurable disease

Exasperate – क्रोध पैदा करना/ सताना – To irritate

Exceptionable – आपतिजनक – Objectionable.

Exceptional – अपवाद – Unusual.

Excruciating – बहुत दर्दनाक – Extremely painful.

Executioner – जल्लाद – One who carries the job of executing someone.

Exhaust – खर्च करना / थका देना – To spend/to make tired.

Exhilarate – आनन्दित करना – Cause to feel very happy.

Exponent – प्रतिपादक – One who explains a theory, idea etc.

Expostulate – विरोध करना – Disagree strongly.

Extempore – बिना तैयारी के भाषण – A speech made without any previous thought or preparation.

Extravaganza – फिजूलखर्ची – Exciting and expensive event.

Extrovert – बहिर्मुखी – One whose interest are directed outward, A person who is filled with excessive enthusiasm.

Exuberant – सजीवता और अधिकता – Lively and high-spirited.

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