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Vocabulary – Words Start with “D”

Vocabulary – Words Start with “D”

Dab hand – किसी काम में निपुण – An expert in something.

Dabble – अगंभीरता से कोई भी काम करना – Work in non-serious way.

Dactylography – अंगुलिचिह्न अध्ययन – The study of finger prints for the purpose of identification

Dandy – खर्चीला – One who pays too much attention to his cloths and appearance

Daft – मुर्ख – Silly or stupid.

Dainty – छोटा और सुंदर – Small and graceful.

Dally – कोई कार्य धीरे धीरे करना – Procrastinate/to waste time or do something slowly.

Damsel – अविवाहित युवती – A young unmarried girl.

Dank – भीगा हुआ – Damp/wet.

Dapper – साफ़-सुथरा – Neat and tidy.

Dappled – चितकबरा – Spotted.

Daub – लेपन करना – Smear.

Daunt – डराना – Intimidate, frighten.

Dauntless – निडर – Bold.

Dearth – कमी – Lack of.

Debacle – पूर्ण असफलता – A sudden complete failure.

Debauched – ऐय्याश व्यक्ति – One who is given to sex, alcohol etc.

Debonair – ख़ुशमिज़ाज – Suave (polished and light hearted person)

Debilitate – कमजोर – Weaken.

Debonair – दोस्ताना – Friendly.

Debunk – कम महत्वपूर्ण – To show that something is less important.

Debut – पहला अवसर – Something performed for the first time.

Decency – सभ्य तरीका – good and moral behavior.

Decimate – हत्या करना – Kill/destroy.

Decipher – दस्तावेजो का अनुवादन करना – Decode.

Declivity – ढाल – Downward slope.

Deface – विकृत करना – Disfigure.

Defacto – वास्तविक – Existing in fact.

Defeatist – निराशावादी – One who accepts defeat easily.

Deference – सम्मान – Respect.

Defiant – अवज्ञाकारी – Disobedient.

Deforestation – वन काटना – Cutting down of trees in a large area.

Defuse – तनाव कम करना – Reduce tension.

Deluge – बाढ़ – A large amount of rain/water.

Demographer – जन्म का विवरण रखने वाला – A person who studies changes in number of births.

Denounce – निंदा करना – To criticize strongly.

Deplorable – बहुत बुरा, घृणित – Very bad.

Deposition – बयान देना – A testimony.

Derail – पटरी से उतरना – To come off the railway track.

Desecration – पवित्रता भंग करना – Treatment of something sacred with disrespect.

Desperate – किसी कार्य या चीज के लिए तीव्र इच्छा – Feeling involving great willingness.

Despicable – घृणित – Unpleasant, causing strong feeling of dislike.

Detente – तनावरहित – The easing of hostility between countries.

Deterrent हत्तोत्साहित करने वाला – Discouragement from action.

Detrimental – नुकसानदायक – Harmful.

Diffuse – फ़ैल जाना – Spread over a wide area.

Dilettante – अनुरागी – A dabbler (not serious in art, science and literature), an admirer of art.

Dine – रात्रि भोज करना – Eat dinner.

Discord – मनमुटाव, सामंजस्य की कमी – Lack of agreement.

Disembarked – उतरना (जहाज आदि से) – To leave a ship/plane after the journey.

Disillusion – मोहभंग, निराशा होना – Disappointment.

Disinterested – निष्पक्ष – Impartial.

Disparagement – उपेक्षा – Insult/abuse.

Dispassionate – तटस्थ रहना – Not influenced by emotion.

Dispense with – छुटकारा पाना – Get rid of or manage without.

Disseminate – फैलना – Spread widely.

Docile – दब्बू, आज्ञाकारी – Obedient.

Dolorous – दुखी – Sad.

Draconian अत्यंत कठोर – Extremely severe.

Drain (V) – बहा देना – Removing things; (N) – नाला – pipes and sewage.

Drizzle – बूंदाबांदी होना – Rain in very small light drops.

Drowsy – झपकी – Sleepy.

Drudgery – कठिन परिश्रम – Hard, uninteresting work.

Duet – युगल – Song sung by two people together.

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