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Vocabulary – Words start with “C”

Vocabulary – Words start with “C”

Cabal – ठग लोगों का समूह – Group of people who plan secretly.

Cache – छिपाने का स्थान – Hiding place.

Cacographist – लेखन में कमजोर, बुरी लिखाई वाला – A person who is bad in writing or spelling.

Cacophony – शोरगुल – Harsh mixture of sound.

Cadaver – शव – A dead human body.

Cadence – स्वर का उतार-चढ़ाव – Regular rise and fall of voice.

Cahoots – षड्यंत्र करना – Acting together generally for a dishonest purpose.

Calamity – बुरा वक्त, संकट – Disaster.

Caldron – कढ़ाई – Large kettle.

Caliber क्षमता – Ability.

Calligraphy – सुंदर लेखनकला – Art of writing beautifully.

Callous क्रूर, निर्दयी – Cruel.

Callow नौसिखिया, अनुभवहीन – One with little experience or knowledge.

Canvass घूम घूम कर वोट माँगना – Seek votes.

Capitalize पूँजी उपलब्ध करना – To supply money to a business.

Capitulate आत्मसमर्पण करना – Surrender.

Capricious सनकी – Fickle-minded.

Carcass – मृत शरीर (जानवर का) – A dead body of a large animal.

Cardinal – प्रमुख – Most important.

Careen  – तेजी से चलते हुए दाएँ-बाएं हिलना – Sway from side to side while moving forward quickly.

Carnage – जन-संहार – Slaughter/massacre.

Casanova – दिलफेंक – One who has lots of sexual relationship.

Catastrophe विपदा और अप्रिय घटना – A sudden destructive event/ unpleasant and disastrous.

Cave (V) – आपदा – Collapse/give in to demands.

Cave (N) गुफ़ा – A large hole on the side of a hill.

Celibacy – ब्रह्मचर्य – The state of being unmarried.

Censor – प्रतिबंध लगाना – To ban unacceptable parts.

Censure – निंदा करना – Strongly criticize.

Chaos – अव्यवस्थित – Complete disorder.

Charismatic – आकर्षक – Attractive.

Chaste – पवित्र – Pure.

Chauvinism – सर्वोच्चता की भावना (अपने नस्ल और लिंग के प्रति) – Feeling of superiority due to race or gender.

Cheat धोखा देना – One who cheats or deceives/the act of deceiving.

Chide डांटना –To reprimand and to speak severely to someone.

Chromatics – रंग-विज्ञान – The science of colours

Clandestine – चोरी से योजना बनाना – Planned/done in secret.

Clasp जोर से थामना – To hold something firmly.

Cloak – लम्बा चोला (छिपाने के लिए) – Long gown/ to hide.

Coalition – साँझा – A temporary alliance.

Coddle – देखभाल करना – To protect something/ someone too much.

Collate – व्यवस्थित करना – To put in proper order.

Collision – टकराव – The act of hitting something with other thing.

Combat – लड़ाई, युद्ध – A fight especially during a war.

Commendable – प्रशंसनीय – Praiseworthy.

Commute – नियमित यात्रा करना, बदल देना – To make the same journey regularly/ to change.

Complement – पूरक – A thing that improves.

Conceal छिपाना – To hide.

Concede – सच को स्वीकारना – Admit to be true.

Concurring – सहमत होना – To agree with someone.

Condolence – संवेदना व्यक्त करना – Sympathy for the family of a person who has recently died.

Confrontation – टकराव – Fight/argument.

Consecrate पवित्र बनाना/ पवित्र घोषित करना – Make or declare sacred.

Conspicuity – प्रत्यक्ष होना, साक्षी होना – Clarity.

Conspirator – चालबाज – One who plans something illegal.

Contemplate – विचार आना – Think of a particular thing for a long time.

Convalesce – स्वास्थ्य लाभ – Regain health after illness.

Conversant – ज्ञान होना – Having knowledge of.

Convict – दोषी – One proved guilty/to be proved guilty.

Conviviality – दोस्ताना – Friendly.

Corporal – शारीरिक – Bodily.

Corpse – शव, मुर्दा – A dead body of a person.

Corroborate – पुष्टिकरण – Confirm or support.

Countenance – चेहरे का भाव – The expression of the face.

Couplet – एक सुर की दो पंक्तिया – Two successive rhyming lines of verse.

Crampखिचाव और मरोड़ आना, बाधा आना – Hamper or restraint/painful involuntary tightening of a muscle.

Credentials – योग्यता एवम् अनुभव – Qualities/documents proving ability and experience.

Crooked बेईमान और ठग आदमी – Dishonest/not forming a straight line.

Cruise – समुद्र-पर्यटन – A sea voyage for pleasure.

Culminate – लक्ष्य तक पहुंचाकर समाप्त होना – To reach a point and then finish.

Culprit – दोषी – Someone who has done something wrong.

Curb – रोक लगाना – To check/restrain.

Cult – पंथ – System of religious worship

Cygnet – राजहंस शावक – A young swan.

Cynic – निंदक – A person who has negative opinions about other people and things people do.

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