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Vocabulary – Words start with “B”

Vocabulary – Words start with “B”

Babble – बडबडाना – Talk in a way which is difficult to understand.

Bacchanalian – शराबी – Drunken.

Backbite – चुगली करना – To speak something at the back of someone.

Badger – परेशान करना – Annoy.

Badinage – मजाकिया तौर पर चिढाना – playful teasing/banter.

Baffle – चकरा देना – Confuse.

Bait – चारा/जाल डालना-  Snare, Trap, Decoy.

Bale – गांठ – A large number of cotton or paper tied in a bundle

Baleful – घातक, हानिकारक – Deadly.

Balk – अनिच्छुक होंना – To be unwilling to do something.

Ballad – गाथागीत – Poem in short stanzas narrating a popular story

Balmy – हल्का गर्म – Pleasantly warm.

Bane – अभिशाप – Curse.

Banter मजाकिया व्यवहार करना – Conversation which is funny and not serious.

Barb – कांटा – Sharp projection from fish hook.

Barbaric – बर्बर व्यवहार – Savagely cruel.

Bard – कवि – Poet.

Barefaced – बेशर्म – Shameless.

Baroque – सजा हुआ –Highly ornate.

Barrage – बाँध –  Structure built across a river.

Beeline – सीधा रास्ता – Direct or quick route.

Beget – पैदा करना – To father or produce.

Begrudge – बेमन से देना – To give unwillingly.

Beguile – भ्रमित करना – Cheat or mislead.

Behemoth विशालकाय, बहुत बड़ा – Huge creature.

Behest – के निवेदन पर/के आदेश पर – At the request or order of.

Benevolence – दया – Kindness.

Benign दयालु और उदार – gentle and kind-hearted person.

Bequeath – स्वेच्छा से त्यागना – leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will; transmit.

Betray – धोखा देना – To be disloyal/ to deceive.

Blackguard – आवारा, अनैतिक व्यक्ति – A man who has no moral principles.

Blatant – बेशर्मी के साथ खुलेआम – Open and unashamed.

Blister – फफोला – Swellings on skin.

Blizzard तूफान – Stormy weather.

Blunder  – बहुत बड़ी गलती – A big mistake.

Blush – शर्म से लाल होना – To become pink in the face due to shyness.

Boisterous – जोशीला और शोर से भरा – Noisy and full of energy.

Bombast – बढ़ा चढ़ा कर कही गयी बात – Pompous language with little meaning.

Boost – बढ़ाना – To improve/increase.

Booze – शराब पीना – To take alcoholic drink.

Brickbat – बेइजती के आवेश में बोलना – An insult, spoken attack.

Brutal – बर्बर और हिंसक – Savagely violent

Buckle – दबाव में टूटना – Crumble under pressure.

Bully – परेशान करना – To hurt/frighten someone.

Bunk – बिना अनुमति के जाना – To leave without permission.

Bursar – छात्रवृत्ति पर एक कॉलेज या विश्वविद्यालय में भाग लेने वाला छात्र – Person who holds scholarship at a university

Butcher – हत्या करना – To kill/murder someone.

Byre – गोशाला – Place where cows are sheltered

Vocabulary – Words start with “B”.

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