Which sections of the Indian Penal Code are related to gay, lustful, bisexual and trans-sexual communities – 377.
The main reason for the development of communalism in India is – The educational and economic backwardness of the minority.
Within which state was ‘the Bodoland Territorial Council’ an autonomous body formed – Assam.
The absence of which makes it impossible for a democracy to function – Political parties.
Who was the Russian leader when signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between India and Russia – Leonid Brezhnev.
Ballot papers were first used in – Ancient Greece.
Central Pollution Control Board comes under which ministry – Environment and Forests.
In which country; judges of the Federal Court are selected by both houses of the Federal Legislature – Switzerland, Germany.
What happens in direct legislation in Switzerland – Easy Growth.
What are the two chambers of the Swiss Federal Assembly – National Council and Rajya Sabha.
What is fascism about the state – The state remains under the control of the king.
In which country did political theory of fascism begin – Italy.
What kind of government is Bhutan, the neighbouring country of India – Constitutional monarchy.
When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the national anthem – January 24, 1950.
The idea of ‘shuttle diplomacy’ is closely associated with which peace agreements – the Middle East.
Central Bureau of Investigation and Intelligence is listed in which list given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India – Central.
National Commission for Backward Classes was established in – 1993.
Who is believed to have the most influence over the Constitution of India – Government of India Act, 1935.
Which country has unwritten constitution – U.K.
The first state to have voted under delimitation is – Karnataka.