Under which amendment of the Constitution of India, the retirement age of High Court judges was 60 to 62 years – 15th Amendment of India.
Who has the right to decide an election petition for the state – High Court.
Which high court first declared which ‘closed’ is unconstitutional – Kerala.
Judicial revision in Indian constitution is based on- the procedure established by law.
By whom are the judges of the Supreme Courts appointed – President of India.
The judges of a high court are appointed by – Governor.
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed for how many years –6 years or up to the age of 65 years.
For whom does the Indian Comptroller and Auditor General act as a friend, philosopher and guide – Lok lekha Committee.
Which is the highest body to approve five-year plans in the country – National Development Council.
Which officer can be invited to express his opinion in the Parliament – Attorney General of India.
Planning Commission of India is – A non-statutory body.
The officer class performs – Administrative and semi-legislative work.
Union Public Service Commission selects – All India Service personnel.
Which three categories of civil services are provided in the Indian Constitution – Administrative, Police and Indian Forest Services.
Which Article of the Constitution of India belongs to the Election Commission – Article 324.
In which year was the anti-defection law passed by the Parliament of India – in 1985.
By which amendment of the constitution the voting age was reduced from 21 years to 18 years – 61st Amendment.
At least what percentage of votes should a political party get to get the status of registered party – 6 percent.
‘Right to vote in Parliament elections’ is a- Legal Right.
The first Election Commissioner of India was – Dr. Sukumar Sen.