By whom can the High Court Judges be removed from their office on the basis of incompetence or proven misconduct even before the expiry of their term – President on the recommendations of both the Houses of Parliament.
Who can remove the High Court Judge – President on the resolution of Parliament passed by special majority.
Under which Article of the Constitution of India, the decision of the Central Administrative Tribunal can be challenged in the Supreme Court – Article 323-A.
National Green Tribunal deals with matters related to – Environmental Protection and Forest Protection.
In which amendment did the voting age is lowered from 21 to 18 – 61st Amendment (1989).
When was the first Central Legislative Assembly formed – in 1931.
In which act was suggested the post of Comptroller and Auditor General – Act of 1919.
Whose independence is meant by – Freedom of social, Political and Economic aspects.
Under the Constitution, where can we see the ideals of Indian democracy – Preamble.
What is popular sovereignty – Dominance of the representative of the people.
How India is described in the Constitution of India – Union of States.
The division of powers and the independent judiciary are two important characteristics of – the federal form of government.
One serious drawback of federal type governance is– The threat of segregation.
Democratic centralization is the important peculiarity of which – Socialist state.
From where has the Indian Constitution taken the ‘federal system’ with a strong center –Canada.
The concept of rule of law is a special feature of the constitutional system of – Britain.
Whether subject to the jurisdiction of both the High Court and the Supreme Court – Protection of Fundamental Rights.
Which Chapter/Part of Indian Constitution consists ‘Fundamental Rights’ – Part-III.
Under which section of the constitution can any person raise the matter of violation of fundamental rights directly in the Supreme Court – Section 32.
Which judicial order the higher court issues to a lower court – Prohibition.
In which case ‘habeas corpus’ writ is issued – Defective police detention.