What is discussed by a member of a Legislature considering it as an urgent matter of public opinion – Adjournment motion.
If Parliament appoints a committee for a specific purpose, then it is called – Adhoc Committee.
By which bill does the government propose to collect revenue for one year – Finance Bill.
Which Schedule of the Constitution of India determines the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha – 4th Schedule.
Who is the Chairman of Rajya Sabha – Vice President of India.
The rule of nomination of members of Rajya Sabha by-the President is taken from the constitution of which country – Ireland.
How many times the tenure of Lok Sabha was extended by 6 years – once.
No government expenditure can be spent in India without whose approval – Parliament.
Which Article empowers Parliament to legislate on subjects of the State List – Article-249.
Maximum number of elected members of Lok Sabha is – 550.
Which is the Lok Sabha elected by the people of the Indian Parliament – Lok Sabha.
During which the excess budget is recommended – During the boom.
Which innovative discussion process has been incorporated by the Indian Parliament in the world parliamentary systems – Zero time.
A Member of Parliament will lose his membership in Parliament if he is continuously absent from sessions – up to 60 days.
What are the custodians of the National Fund – Legislature.
What should be the difference between the first motion of no confidence and the second no confidence motion – Six months.
What is the quorum (quorum) required to conduct Lok Sabha – 1/10 of Total strength.
Who said “Parliamentary democracy means one person and one vote” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
Who presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers – Prime Minister.
Who is the Chairman of Planning Commission – Prime Minister.