Who is the supreme commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces – President.
Persons who can refer a matter under Article 143 to the Supreme Court of India for an advisory opinion – President of India.
In a single transferable voting method, every voter can express – as many choices as the candidates in the election.
Who was the first non-political President of India – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
How many times has the President declared a National Emergency – Three times.
After the constitutional system fails, under which section of the constitution the President’s rule is imposed in a state – Section-356.
If the President wants to resign, to whom he will address his resignation – Vice President.
The appointment of whom is not in the authority of the President of India – Speaker of Lok Sabha.
How much age a citizen should have completed for the election of the President of India – 35 years.
What is the maximum age limit set for the post of President of India – There is no maximum age limit.
In the event of a deadlock between the two houses of Parliament, who presides over the Joint Session – Speaker of Lok Sabha.
How many types of emergencies are there in the Constitution – Three.
In India, how many times has the President declared a financial emergency – Never.
By using which article the President of India can declare financial emergency – Article 360.
How many times the National Emergency has been imposed after independence in India – Three times.
How many times the President of India can stand for re-election to his post – as many times as he wants.
How long the President’s Ordinance remains in force – Six months.
The Vice President of India is elected by – The Members of Parliament.
Any dispute regarding election of Vice President of India must be filed in – The Supreme Court.
Impeachment can be conducted on the President of India – By Parliament.